Tree Bracing - Cincinnati, Ohio

Madison Tree Care & Landscaping, call 513-576-6391 for an estimate



Tree Bracing & Cabling

All trees have two major components to consider when evaluating them: health & structure.


- Health refers to a tree's growth rate, photosynthetic capabilities, and other factors that keep a tree alive (not related to structure).


- Structure refers to a tree's ability to hold together or remain upright. 


Many trees are in good health, but have a poor structure. These are the types of trees that may benefit from cabling, bracing, or from the use of guy wires. In some of these instances removal may be the best option.


Cabling.  Cabling is a process that involves supporting parts of the tree that have a higher potential to fail than normal, with other parts of the tree that are strong. A cable attaches two or more branches to each other to improve the overall strength of the area of concern. Often trees with co-dominate leaders need cables to help support them.


Bracing.  In a situation where a crack appears, a brace may be needed along with the cables. A brace is used to strengthen a cracked area and to limit the cracks ability to spread further. In both situations, pruning to reduce weight in the areas of concern is usually recommended. 


Tree Bracing:


Guy Wires.  Guy wires are used to support a tree that is leaning or has fallen over. Guy wires can be attached to the ground using earth anchors or they can be attached to another solid object (like a tree) deemed suitable to support the fallen or leaning tree. A common use of this is an evergreen that blows over in a storm. In many cases we can stand the trees back up and support them with guy wires.


If you have a tree that needs structural help, please contact us.